Psychological Love Tactics
It's been said that all is fair in love and war, but some people just seem to have an unfair advantage. When it comes to emotions and...

The EIGHT love types.
1. “Eros” or Erotic Love Eros represents the idea of sexual passion and desire. Eros can be dangerous and frightening as it involves a...

The King of YOUR jungle.
Imagine you are on a safari in the Serengeti desert.You stumble across a pride of lions crouched in the bushes eyeing a herd of grazing...

To Marry or not To Marry?
Why People Aren’t Getting Married A recent piece in Time Magazine was headlined, “Why 25 percent of millennials will never get married— a...

The Top 10 Cognitive Disorders
The Top 10 Cognitive Disorders All or Nothing Thinking: Seeing things as black-or-white, right-or-wrong with nothing in-between....

Relationship Track and Field. What's YOUR position?
Runners on your mark. Get set... Let's go! Sprinters: These people are quick to start a relationship. They go from, "Hello, my name...

How to be SMART
A lot of emphasis is placed on intelligence. Especially the mental variant known as IQ. But how much does mental IQ factor into the...

7 Fun Ways to Simplify Decision-Making:
1. FORTUNE-TELLING: Imagine a fortune cookie (use all 5 senses if you like!) Now, imagine that the answer you need is on the slip...

Why Millennials Aren't Getting Married
With everything from hookup culture to poly lifestyles and open relationships, there's an emerging expansion of views on what...

The 6 Phases: How men fall in love.
Whereas women generally run downhill and fall in love, men coast downhill with their feet above the brakes ready to send you crashing...